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Building Sandagiri Seya Stupa

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

This is the final stage of a three stage project we have posted.

A valueable chance to be part of a rare meritorious deed!

Construction of the base and chamber has been completed. Many people contributed to this noble cause. This is a journey that started from a very small beginning with the dedication of the Venerable Gangasiripura Dhammaloka Thero.

At the time of writing, only 5,000 bricks are needed to build the Devatha Cubical stage. If you interested in contributing to the construction of the Chaitya, you can donate any amount of Rs.25 bricks and contribute to this noble cause.

If you live far away, you can help financially. Contribute immediately to this rare charitable deed which can be performed only by a small number of meritorious people out of millions of human beings.

May Lord Buddha's blessing be upon you!


Chief Incumbent

Sandagiri Maha Viharaya


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