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Chamara needs your help for kidney transplant

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

Chamara Madushanka, a father of two from a Sri Lankan village needs a kidney transplant, and his wife is ready to donate a kidney. But poverty keeps him walking 10 miles to the hospital for blood transfusion without getting the surgery done.

31 years old, Chamara is not able to support his family because his kidney disease is devouring his limited income. He has been going through this for several years and now in an almost critical phase.

Doctors have advised him that a kidney transplant is required. Luckily his wife is a suitable donor. But this surgery requires him to stay admitted in Kandy National Hospital for several days and if he does so, although Sri Lanka’s free healthcare program may cover the expenses of the surgery, the family will face drastic financial difficulties.

First of all, Chamara lives in a remote village in Galewela, and the surgery has to happen in Kandy. They will have to find a place to stay in Kandy for several days which they surely can't afford. And while being in Kandy or while being admitted to the hospital, Chamara won't be able to feed his small children. Right now they are surviving with one meal per day. And the elder child(girl) who should be going to school receives no education. His wife cannot help him financially due to the current economic condition in Sri Lanka making getting even the most underpaid jobs in the country impossible.

Chamara knows that if he undergoes this surgery, his kids will go hungry for days. The only way they might survive is by begging for food. And there is no guarantee that Chamara will get any work after the lengthy recovery period he has to stay in bed.

If Chamara delays his surgery, he might not live more than a few months. He cannot even afford public transport to go to the hospital twice a week for blood transfusion. If Chamara gets his surgery done, he will face severe financial problems and will not be able to afford even one meal for himself or his family.

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