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Support Sanuthi's bone marrow transplant

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

As soon as we heard about the little girl Sanuthi Yehansa who is suffering from Aplastic Anemia, we called her father to get more details. This little girl is currently hospitalized.

Awaiting a bone marrow transplant with a hopeful smile on a hospital bed, Sanuthi is not much older than three years. As her operation requires a large sum of money, her farther is not able to save her life alone. It is up to you and me to help this little girl live by donating what we can so that her farther can arrange the LKR 5 500 000 needed for her surgery. Let's make sure Sanuthi's cute smile lasts a lot longer!

A bone marrow transplant is performed to re-introduce bone marrow from a healthy person to the recipient who has bone marrow that has been damaged by a disease, an infection, or as a side effect of chemotherapy. This operation includes transplanting blood stem cells, which go to the bone marrow via the circulatory system and produce new blood cells, starting the growth of new bone marrow. Sanuthi is facing this procedure at such a young age.

Letters from 'Gramasevaka' officer and the hospital are shown below for your reference.

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