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Help a father of three get back up from bone tumor surgery.

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

Gayan Pradeep is a father of three children. He has undergone a surgery due to a bone tumor in his legs and has no permanent source of income.

His right knee and the adjacent bones have been removed and he is awaitng a "Proximal Tibia Megaprosthesis" surgery as a treatment. It is estimated that a sum of 1,430,000 LKR (7270 USD) will be incured for the said surgery and Gayan is not able to afford it.

Gayan's wife, who herself is a heart patient, looks after their three children aged 13, 11 and 4 by selling snacks in a very small scale. This is not at all adequate to pay for their daily needs, let alone the surgery.

1.4 million rupees is a sum surely out of Gayan's reach, but if we all contribute, even in small amounts, it will add up. We will be able to help this man get back on a wheelchair if not his feet and then he can make sure that his children do not have to go hungry or drop out of school.

You may refer the below images to verify his story.

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