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  • Chamara needs your help for kidney transplant

    Chamara Madushanka, a father of two from a Sri Lankan village needs a kidney transplant, and his wife is ready to donate a kidney. But poverty keeps him walking 10 miles to the hospital for blood transfusion without getting the surgery done. 31 years old, Chamara is not able to support his family because his kidney disease is devouring his limited income. He has been going through this for several years and now in an almost critical phase. Doctors have advised him that a kidney transplant is required. Luckily his wife is a suitable donor. But this surgery requires him to stay admitted in Kandy National Hospital for several days and if he does so, although Sri Lanka’s free healthcare program may cover the expenses of the surgery, the family will face drastic financial difficulties. First of all, Chamara lives in a remote village in Galewela, and the surgery has to happen in Kandy. They will have to find a place to stay in Kandy for several days which they surely can't afford. And while being in Kandy or while being admitted to the hospital, Chamara won't be able to feed his small children. Right now they are surviving with one meal per day. And the elder child(girl) who should be going to school receives no education. His wife cannot help him financially due to the current economic condition in Sri Lanka making getting even the most underpaid jobs in the country impossible. Chamara knows that if he undergoes this surgery, his kids will go hungry for days. The only way they might survive is by begging for food. And there is no guarantee that Chamara will get any work after the lengthy recovery period he has to stay in bed. If Chamara delays his surgery, he might not live more than a few months. He cannot even afford public transport to go to the hospital twice a week for blood transfusion. If Chamara gets his surgery done, he will face severe financial problems and will not be able to afford even one meal for himself or his family. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details and contact details of the fundraiser/beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Help a father of three get back up from bone tumor surgery.

    Gayan Pradeep is a father of three children. He has undergone a surgery due to a bone tumor in his legs and has no permanent source of income. His right knee and the adjacent bones have been removed and he is awaitng a "Proximal Tibia Megaprosthesis" surgery as a treatment. It is estimated that a sum of 1,430,000 LKR (7270 USD) will be incured for the said surgery and Gayan is not able to afford it. Gayan's wife, who herself is a heart patient, looks after their three children aged 13, 11 and 4 by selling snacks in a very small scale. This is not at all adequate to pay for their daily needs, let alone the surgery. 1.4 million rupees is a sum surely out of Gayan's reach, but if we all contribute, even in small amounts, it will add up. We will be able to help this man get back on a wheelchair if not his feet and then he can make sure that his children do not have to go hungry or drop out of school. You may refer the below images to verify his story. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Support Sanuthi's bone marrow transplant

    As soon as we heard about the little girl Sanuthi Yehansa who is suffering from Aplastic Anemia, we called her father to get more details. This little girl is currently hospitalized. Awaiting a bone marrow transplant with a hopeful smile on a hospital bed, Sanuthi is not much older than three years. As her operation requires a large sum of money, her farther is not able to save her life alone. It is up to you and me to help this little girl live by donating what we can so that her farther can arrange the LKR 5 500 000 needed for her surgery. Let's make sure Sanuthi's cute smile lasts a lot longer! A bone marrow transplant is performed to re-introduce bone marrow from a healthy person to the recipient who has bone marrow that has been damaged by a disease, an infection, or as a side effect of chemotherapy. This operation includes transplanting blood stem cells, which go to the bone marrow via the circulatory system and produce new blood cells, starting the growth of new bone marrow. Sanuthi is facing this procedure at such a young age. Letters from 'Gramasevaka' officer and the hospital are shown below for your reference. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Help a rural free meditation center get a bell tower.

    The bell tower (20ft tower, 83kg bell) to be constructed at the Sugathabimbarama Meditation Center(Delta Samagipura) will be offered to the Sambuddha Sasana on Duruthu Poya day(2021/01/28). It is currently under development and we invite you to contribute in any amount you please to the Bell Tower! You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Cochlear implants for a 3 year old girl

    This is the English translation of the request sent to us in Sinhalese by the mother(+94781177689) of a little girl awaiting cochlear implant surgery. "My daughter is a hearing impaired child by birth. She is now three years old. Due to the nature of her hearing loss, the hearing aids used for general hearing loss are not adequate and cochlear implant surgery is the only solution. The cochlear implant used for this surgery is very expensive and the minimum price is around 3 million LKR and the best quality cochlear implant is around 5 million LKR. These devices are currently imported to in Sri Lanka only by Wickramarachchi Hearing Care. Due to the high cost, the operation is being performed at the Ridgeway Children's Hospital with the intervention of the government and a large number of people are waiting for it. Because these devices are received as aid in a very limited quantity per from another country, patients have to wait several years on the waiting list. My child has also been unable to undergo surgery since he was a year old. The disadvantage of this is that the success of the surgery depends on the fact that the surgery is performed before the age of 5 years. Doctors say that the younger the child is when surgery is done, the more successful it is, and the older the child, the more likely it is that the surgery will fail. We have been waiting for the list for 2 years and now my daughter is 3 years old. Another year has been wasted due to this and my daughter is missing out on the opportunity to have the surgery before she reaches the relevant age. If we can purchase this equipment in person, there is a possibility of surgery at the Children's Hospital within a month or two. We are very helpless as we do not really have the financial means to buy such a device. We who live in a rented house have nothing of financial value to sell or raise money with. We also have five children so I can't leave home and work and my husband runs a small business. I hope you understand my situation. I need nothing more than to hear the baby talk. I beg for your help. Going to school at the right age and getting an education will enable her to succeed in the future. My daughter's age children go to preschool now and my poor child misses it because of her hearing loss. There is nothing I can do but look at it and be mentally distressed. I would not think twice to give my daughter my ears if this could be done like any other organ transplant. The irony of fate is that it can't be done either. I once again kindly request your sympathetic attention on behalf of my child. I am requesting for your kindness and to contribute to my daughter's cochlear implant surgery. Please help my daughter hear! -Mother" You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Building Sandagiri Seya Stupa

    This is the final stage of a three stage project we have posted. A valueable chance to be part of a rare meritorious deed! Construction of the base and chamber has been completed. Many people contributed to this noble cause. This is a journey that started from a very small beginning with the dedication of the Venerable Gangasiripura Dhammaloka Thero. At the time of writing, only 5,000 bricks are needed to build the Devatha Cubical stage. If you interested in contributing to the construction of the Chaitya, you can donate any amount of Rs.25 bricks and contribute to this noble cause. If you live far away, you can help financially. Contribute immediately to this rare charitable deed which can be performed only by a small number of meritorious people out of millions of human beings. May Lord Buddha's blessing be upon you! For: Chief Incumbent Sandagiri Maha Viharaya Hanthana. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Kidney transplant for a mother-of-four

    Priyangika is a 46 year old mother of four. At present she is being treated at Ward 62 of the Kandy General Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Charitha Fernando(2020/09/12). At present an emergency kidney transplant is required to save the life of this mother. This will require around Rs. 15 lakhs. Previously, advertisements on social media to get help were not very successful. Prolonging the operation day by day is very bad for the health of this mother. Her family cannot afford the total amount required to complete her surgery. Priyangika's medical reports are attached below for your reference. We encourage you to donate in any amount,however small, to help her. Rusith (her son) can be contacted to confirm the information You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Help a national athlete return to sports.

    "I became the best athlete in the Eastern Province. Born to a poor family, I could not afford even two shoes. Most days I didn't even have money for the bus when I went to training. In 2011 I was assigned to the Army and engaged in sports activities there. Although I was close to pursuing my dream of becoming like Susanthika(Olympic Medalist), I was constantly hampered by gossip, jealousy and infatuation. Although I tolerated them, my mother had a kidney transplant and the problems got worse. Since there was no one in Colombo to look after her, I had to travel to Colombo weekly wash my mother's clothes and bring new ones. But you can't come like that from the Army camp anytime. I went to the Colombo General Hospital, looked after my mother, fed her, brought her clothes and went for training. My mother had an operation and stayed there for a month without even taking a bath. Eventually I did not get to leave the camp. There was no one to take care of my mother at home. I ran a meet on the course at 13.6s being my timing (my best time was 12.4). I had to leave the game to take care of my mother. Then I legally resigned. In 2014 I got married. My husband too was born in a village full of hardships in Bibila. We both love sports so much. We now have two young daughters bu there is no place for us to stay right now. It is difficult for us to do everything with the money from my husband's salary. I had two caesarean section operations, but in 2020 I won first place without training in the 100m long jump at the National Sports Festival selections. My mother is a kidney transplant patient. Father has left us. There is not enough money for everything we need to eat, drink, play and educate our children. If we go for a loan we will get into more trouble. Can you help me build a single room with the foundation? Only one room . Also, many people say that children are left stranded and I am just running. Talent is not for everyone. Should I give up sports? A lot of trouble came. I still have the determination to try. But my first thing is the kids. They need to build their future. If I have a place to live, I can look after my children and train at the same time. Can you help me?" - TRANSLATED - -Wajira Harshi Nadeeshani You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Help pay baby Nethmini's medical bills

    After seeing a post about this baby's operation and the side effects that followed, we called her home today to confirm the details. They are taking care of this little girl with great difficulty at a very high cost to treat the side effects that occur after the bone marrow transplant surgery. We are quoting the story below(translated): Quote: "Its been a year since my daughter's surgery in the midst of many problems, but now there are more side effects. She has to have a blood test week after week. We posted earlier that we raised enough money. But now my daughter has a lot of side effects. The story I told has changed now . I'm going to list all the medical bills herewith. The operation was rejected due to a side effect. She had to be in Ridgeway hospital for three months. Thanks to the doctors, thanks to the dedication of many people, our commitment saved us from that situation, but now there are more problems coming up. I'm so helpless, that's why I'm asking for help again. This operation has come this far thanks to donors like you. In certain months we have spent one hundred thousad Rupees just for blood tests. A child with Thalassemia who needs to have bone marrow transplant, should start with at least 13,000,000 Rupees in hand. My ignorance of this fact has caused my child big problem today. If the side effects did not come this much money is not required. But this is something I never thought would happen. The other three kids who underwent surgery with my daughter did not have major problems. Please look at these bills and help us to cure our little baby." You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Help a helpless family in Galewela

    This helpless family lives in a village called Andaragolla in Bambaragaswewa, Galewela. Susantha Karunaratne, the father of this family has lost a leg in a car accident. Although he has a proesthetic leg, it is now dilapidated and difficult to work with. The family has three little boys. They live in a small one room house built with wrappers and old metal sheets. The mother of these children is suffering from an illness. (She doesn't know what her condition is as she is not able to get a check up done) Instead of treatment, this mother takes two painkiller tablets every morning and evening and works as a day-wage-laborer to fend for her family. They are asking for your kind assistance to build one more room and get a new prosthetic leg This family is in a situation in which the children cannot get any education and the mother cannot afford to get time to visit hospital for her illness. Everyone has economic problems during this time when Corona virus disease is spreading. But we can try to give at least the slightest relief to these helpless poor people. Let us wipe away the tears of this helpless family and bring a smile to their faces. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Nelka can become a nurse if her cancer is cured.

    In this picture is Nelka, A 24 year old girl who lived with a thousand hopes for the future just like any one of us. About a year and a half ago, Nelka and her family's lives were turned upside down when medical tests revealed that what she had been hospitalized for is a life-threatening cancer of the lymph nodes. Living in Godagama, Padukka, she has long dreamed of becoming a nurse caring for the sick and helpless. Fulfilling her dream, she completed her training at the Nursing School of the Colombo National Hospital and had only a short wait remaining to fulfill her goal of being able to support her parents. But not everyone is lucky enough to live a happy and healthy life. Her beautiful dreams was taken away by the fear of disease at a time when no one expected it. Since then, her parents have been working tirelessly to care for and treat Nelka. Life of a loved one is worth much more than money. That is why they are sacrificing everything they have and at this moment they are facing great difficulties to get treatment. She is being treated at the Maharagama Apeksha Hospital and is still looking forward to life. She needs a lot of money for her treatment every month. It costs around Rs 200,000 for treatment on some months. If you want to know about the expenses as well as the medical reports about Nelka's condition and the medicines she is taking, you can look at the pictures below. How would we feel if we were in a situation like this? For her, who is undergoing oppressive treatment for cancer, money will determine whether she recovers or not. So this is the last moment of your help to heal her. Of course, not all of us can help with huge donations, but we can contribute with atleast $1. You can also support by sharing this fundraiser. Nelka will be able to fulfil her dream of becoming a nurse and taking care of sick patients if we help her to pay for her treatment. You can change this story for the better. We provide verified bank details of the beneficiary for you to donate using any online transfer service or app you prefer. We do not charge any fee from you or the fundraiser. So go ahead, be a part of this story by making it better: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn how to contribute to this story to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

  • Vijithananda Thero needs kidney transplant

    Ven. Karambewe Vijithananda Thero is a monk who helped people whenever possible. He even donated his kidney. Now he is awaiting a kidney transplant for himself. Thero's remaining kidney is weakened after his donated. He is currently in a critical condition at the Anuradhapura Intensive Care Unit. The poor villagers in this monk's village do not have the financial strength to pay for his treatment. Shall we please get together to help this saint of a person who donated his own kidney to someone he doesn't even know, and now facing a transplant? does not donate to or raise funds for any story published on this website. Contact details and other information needed to support this story can be viewed if you chose to be a part of this story: The above button will take you to a page where you can learn more about this story and see how you can contribute to make it better. Please share to get more support for this story↓

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